Monday, September 23, 2019

Pop Culture Frenzy, Round 81

Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy. A Dutch fashion designer has come up with a fabric that is bio friendly and earth saving.

What is this fabric made of?

Dog hair?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.


Hostmaster:  huh?

Well, they use hemp to make fabric.  
Maybe they could make a dress out of crystal meth. 
 Like that blind woman on Star Trek.

Hostmaster:  stay away from that stuff, man.  It'll kill you.


Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Cow manure.

Hostmaster:  correct.  It isn't clear how exactly this guy does it.  But he separates the liquid from the solid in the cow flop. Then he extracts the acid from the liquid and the cellulose from the solid and whips it into fabric.

Does it smell?

Hostmaster:  it's purported not to.

What do they do with the
 left over liquid and solid?

Hostmaster:  surely concerned thinkers are working night and day to reprocess those cow poop remnants.

They better hurry.  I hear there are only a
 couple years left before we all die.

Greenhouse gases are dangerous. 
 Cow methane is the main reason for global warming.

If they're making clothes out of cow manure,
 doesn't that mean they'll need live cows? 
 If cows are the main reason for global warming
 is it an environmentally sound idea
 to raise cows for the fashion industry?

There's lots of feces on the streets of San Francisco. 
 Maybe they could use that!

The homeless people could model 
the clothes they helped produce!

It's a win-win!

You guys are sick.

This round is over.

Round 81
Fluffy/Molly   39
Bryan/Cyndi   38

What to know more about turning poop into clothes?  Click Alchemy.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep. Seriously. Greta Thunberg might like a dress made of it. LOL

  2. Oh My Goodness !
    I didn't read this. Now it up to all the eco warriors in california to decide what they should do with this knowledge. I can't wait to read what will happen.
