Friday, June 21, 2019

Lilacs and Whatnot

The fragrance of Lilacs is unmistakable.

Their beauty is undeniable.

Clover has no official opinion on either.

Being a Sighthound however, she finds butterflies of interest.

Monday, June 10, 2019

It's a Bit Nippy for June

Things are green here at the homestead.  It's been a particularly rainy spring. 

The frog population has exploded.  They've  even wandered into the inner perimeter.

They'll have plenty to eat.  The mosquito population has exploded too.  A certain ranch hand, always popular with the blood suckers, has been mercilessly tapped.

There's been some night time temperatures in the forties.  Had to cover the tomato plants!

Wild violets don't mind a nip in the air.

Neither do Great Pyrenees.

Alas, neither do mosquitoes.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Pop Culture Frenzy, Round 78

Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy.  Last week, a Florida man suffered an injury while using the bathroom in his apartment.

What happened?

Toilet paper cut?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Erectile Dysfunction?

Viagra claims another victim!

Hostmaster:  darn those four hour erections!

He was struck by lightening? 
 You know, water draws lightening.

A low flow toilet saved his life!

Hostmaster: incorrect.

An alligator came up the drain and bit him?  

Hostmaster: close.

A snake?

Hostmaster:  correct.  The guy was in his bathroom doing his business when a Ball Python appeared under his, er, business.

You can't make this stuff up.

Round 78
Fluffy/Molly   38
Bryan/Cyndi   37