Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy. Today's question involves the whereabouts of a snake named Elvis. Some Floridian harboring a death wish has been harboring a Cobra. On or about September 1st the Cobra escaped.
A couple days later, snake boy reported the missing Cobra. Soon, folks in Orlando tread with trepidation, school children were denied recess. Snake fear specifically, and in general, reached new heights thanks to a guy who let his highly venomous pet go on walkabout.
About a month later, the Cobra turned up and was corralled by animal control. Where was the snake finally found?
Behind the wheel of a Ford Cobra?
Hostmaster: incorrect.
In the company of a gang of sewer alligators?
Hostmaster: incorrect.
In a child's backpack?
Hostmaster: incorrect. You have to wonder if this guy will get in trouble for endangering people and inconveniencing children. He was charged by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission for waiting more than two days before reporting the snake missing. He has pled not guilty. If it goes to trial, perhaps Elvis will be called as a character witness.
Where was the snake called Elvis found?
Working in a pet store in Kalamazoo?
Hostmaster: incorrect.
Hiding in a squirrel's nest?
Hostmaster: incorrect.
In a laundry basket waiting
to be charmed out of a pile of clothes?
Hostmaster: close enough.
Here's what happened. A woman living about a half mile from where Elvis the Cobra escaped, was doing some laundry in her garage. She heard a curious hissing sound. Upon investigation, she discovered the missing snake coiled and annoyed under her dryer.
Animal control officers caught the snake but it was too large for their snake cage so they put it in a cat cage. Elvis is said to be somewhere between 8 and 10 feet in length.
So ends another round of Pop Culture Frenzy.
Round 39
Fluffy/Molly 17
Bryan/Cyndi 15