Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fluffy/Pop Culture Frenzy, Round 4


Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy!  This is Round 4.  Now to our question.

A petition has been circulating to urge Macy's to discontinue the Donald Trump clothing line.  Why?
It's obvious.  Look at his hair!
Hostmaster:  incorrect.  Molly?
Because they think he's a racist birther?
Hostmaster:  close.  Bryan?
Because he doesn't believe in man made climate change?
Hostmaster:  close.  Fluffy?
Because the clothes are made in China?
Hostmaster:  close.  Cyndi?
He's a sexist!  He said that his daughter has a nice figure!
Hostmaster:  I've seen his daughter.  She does have a nice figure!  Anyway, close. 
All of the above?
Hostmaster:  Yeah.  Pretty much.  It's kind of a draw, isn't it?  Oh, whatever.  Molly you are correct. 
Round 4
Fluffy/Molly  3
Bryan/Cyndi  1
Cher said it best.  She won't shop at Macy's because Donald Trump is a loudmouth.


  1. Trump's line should be kicked out of Macy's. He's a crazy old loon!

    (No offense to loons.)

  2. Loons would take offense to the comparison!

    Trump is the biggest waste of oxygen on the planet. All ego, no soul at all in that blowhard.
