Saturday, August 24, 2019

Walk Boldly and Carry a Small Stick

It is a daily routine here at the homestead to walk around the grounds.

Due to increased spider webbage this time of year, I carry a skinny stick which I wave in front of me as we move along.  This reduces the number of web hits to the face.

It's amazing how high and invisible some of those webs are.  Anyway, every action has a reaction.  My walking companions are not excepted from this rule.

Clover seems put off by my behavior -leery even.  Lily seems indifferent.  Henry remains inner focused.

You're marching around like a crazed majorette and you expect nobody to notice?!

Nothing you do surprises me anymore.

Can I have that stick when you're done with it?


  1. I can just visualize you and your pack o'pups walking your property, you with your anti-webbage stick in hand. I imagine your Pomeranian prancing along, grinning all of the way, just waiting to have that anti-web stick to play with.

    I just noticed a giant spider in a huge web between my rose bush and the front porch post this morning. For once the spider didn't make its web in front of the porch steps where the web wraps around your face as you go up or down the steps. There has been a spider web built in the same area, usually over the steps, though, every year for as long as I can remember at this time of year. It is always the same type of giant spider. I wonder if one spider from each generation comes back and builds their web there.

    Your dogs are adorable, large, medium, and small. Your Pomeranian is very pretty. My Fuzzy Pomeranian is black except for a white crest on his chest, and now his muzzle and inside of ears have quite a bit of white because he is 14 1/2 years old.

  2. Henry looks quite intense. Or as if he just woke up and is wondering what he had to drink last night.
