Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Now that Tree is Cherry

A couple years ago, a big wind blew down a tree.

It landed, in part, on a nearby cherry tree.  The cherry tree suffered some damage.  Not only that.  For months, the cherry tree suffered the indignity of having a fallen tree lying on it.

 Eventually a ranch hand removed the tree debris.

Some ranch hands are easily distracted.

In spite of all that dillydallying, the cherry tree rebounded.

With gusto.


  1. Love all the photos ! That Cherry tree is lovely ! ! ! look at all the blooms and baby cherries. Is that one tree or a big one or little one or a branch to the left ? Love this post !
    parsnip x

    1. It's hard to see the cherry tree in the first picture. When the tree fell nothing was leafed out yet so the cherry tree is almost invisible. It got revenge a couple years later though, while the fallen tree is dead and firewood!

      When the cherry tree filled out after the injury it added an extra chunk of limbs (I didn't have the heart to cut them off after all it had been through!). So now it looks like a tree standing beside a mini tree. When it's all done blooming, I'll probably prune so it'll look less lumpy next year.
