Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Today is Saint Matthias day.  He was the one chosen by the apostles to replace Judas.  Peter and the others understood the importance of maintaining the office of the twelve witnesses to Jesus. Thus, they asked the Holy Spirit to tell them which guy He wanted to fill the opening.  (Acts 1:15-26)

We don't know a lot about Matthias.  We're told in Acts that he was a disciple from the time of John the Baptist through the ascension of Jesus.  In other words, he was on the bench all along ready for the call to join the twelve.  He was eventually martyred while giving witness to The Word.

As we move through the Easter season let us remember what Jesus said to the apostles on the night Judas betrayed Him.  I give you a new command.  Love one another as I have loved you.   
(John 13:34)


  1. I think coming from a Protestant background we don't pay nearly as much attention to saints.

    1. Honoring saints is one of the many things I like about being Catholic. Saints are great role models. And it's wonderful to know that we have brothers and sisters in heaven praying for us.

  2. So late big problems !
    What a wonderful post and growing up Polish Catholic gave me a grounding that I carry with me today.
    I do not go to church anymore as I do not believe what garbage sometimes come from it but the faith is still the same. Something that is really missing from today
    is faith and parents knowing that it is their job YES JOB to raise these children to be caring adults not entitled special snowflakes. It takes a family first not a village.
    ooooooooooo a rant

    1. Hope your big problems are resolved!

      I know what you mean about faith as a foundation. What a treasure. How sad that some people don't have it. Let's pray that they find it.

      P.S. I love your rants!!

  3. Lovely post. Great photos. Last week I discovered Saint Gall who hung out with a bear. Thought it interesting as my husband's nickname as a kid was Teddy bear and he seems to like bears. Plus our last name is pronounced gall.

    1. Thanks, Eve. I didn't know about Saint Gall! https://www.ancient.eu/Saint_Gall/

      Your husband's family name and his connection to bears...how cool is that!
