Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Meanwhile in the Garden...

Had a hankering for stuffed peppers.  Trouble is, these are red peppers.

That's OK.  There's plenty of squash- and then some.

Happily, ducks like squash too.  Provided it is julienned first, of course.

Fried green tomatoes are not on the menu.

Looks like this plant plans to take flight when the time is ripe.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

My Favorite Tree

Here it is in flowery close-up.

Here it is in green glory.

Here it is in autumn amber.

Here it is in spring bud.

(It is there even during one of my obsessive searches for my arch nemesis The Fisher while I take action shots of my own finger, peer out of windows....)

Here it is as silent sentinel.

What kind of tree is this wonderful tree?  I kept wondering.  Then one day, I was doing something in the bathroom and happened to read the shower curtain.

It's a Tulip Tree!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Pop Culture Frenzy, Round 59

Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy.   Let's get right to our question.

There's a dog spa in Japan that offers the usual luxuries, baths, private rooms, fine dining.  They also offer something quite unique.
What is it?

A squirrel hunt?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Nail wraps?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Kabuki theater?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Water polo?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.  You've come up with some interesting answers.  Still, nobody's warm.  A hint is in order.
Pea soup.  Head spin.

Pease porridge hot pease porridge cold
 pease porridge in a pot nine days old!

Hostmaster:  oy.

The price of soup at this spa will make your head spin?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.  Let's try another hint.
Devil dogs.

Chocolate is bad for dogs.

Hostmaster:  sigh.

Dogs belonging to Marines get in free?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

They provide exorcisms?

Hostmaster:  correct.

How did you get that?

 In the seventies, there was a really stupid movie
 about a demon possessed German Shepherd.
 It was called Devil Dog.

Some like it hot some like it cold
 some like it in a pot nine days old!

So ends another round.  Here's a link if you want to check out the D+Kirishima Spa.

Devil dogs check in but only
dogs check out!

Phooey.  Devil dogs would cheat in
 the squirrel hunt anyway.  

Round 59
Fluffy/Molly    29
Bryan/Cyndi     23