Rant Alert!
I got a new email address. Therefore, I have been updating it in various places.
You'd think this would not be a big deal. It is though.
Some places just won't allow you to go to their site, find your personal information and edit your email. So then, you must call.
Calling any business these days requires a major time commitment. It starts with the heartless computer voice that answers the phone and asks you for information about who you are and what right you have to be calling at all. Ten minutes later, you're done with that and find yourself on hold.
Maybe five, maybe forty-five minutes later a human being answers. They ask you the same questions the computer voice did. You know, just to verify.
You tell them you want to change your email. They tell you they can't do that. You ask why. They say something vague, or their accent is so thick you are not quite sure what they said. You are transferred to someone else. You ask them if they can help you change your email. They won't answer until you give them the same information you gave the computer voice and the first person you spoke to...
Then there's updating your email for your blog. Stupid technophobe that I am; I did it wrong. Thinking I'm changing the email a "new improved format" appeared and the blog is gone. It's a whole new account, a clean slate. If I hadn't failed to erase my old email or account or whatever, I would not be typing this rant.
For crying out loud, I just thought it was a good idea to update my email.