Monday, April 13, 2020

A-Z 13th


Mabel passed away a few years ago.  We still miss her.  She was very interested in the ducks.  Even though she had arthritis and it hurt to go up and down stairs, she would visit the baby ducks in their basement brooder.  As we prepare for a new batch of ducks, we remember Mabel. 

Mabel got along with everybody at the Bad Dog Ranch.  (She was shy when guests came over however, and hid herself in a bedroom till they left.)

She never let the fact that she weighed 140 pounds keep her from being a lap dog. 

She loved us. 


We salute Saint Mabel the Great. 

1 comment:

  1. I am in tears. Some dogs are just loving sweethearts. She looks adorable. what a sweet face
    Mable reminds me of my Watson he loved us all, he was very gentle unlike iwinston.
