Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Pop Culture Frenzy, Round 83

Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy.  Today's question comes from the Aspen area of Colorado.  According to veterinarian Scott Dolginow  more and more dogs are coming into his clinic with marijuana toxicity.

How are so many dogs getting high?

Owners are sharing?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Second hand smoke?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

While home alone, 
dogs are getting into the stash?

Hostmaster:  incorrect.

Well.  It's legal now.

Hostmaster:  incorrect.  It seems that dogs are getting high off poop.  According to Dr. Dolginow when it's available, dogs will eat human waste.  Most of the dogs had been camping or hiking before coming into the clinic.  It seems that stoned human beings take dumps along the trail.  The dogs eat it and get baked.

Molly, I thought for sure you'd get this one.

We don't speak of such things.

Hostmaster:  is that true, Bryon?

No comment. 

You can't make this sh*t up.
So ends another round. 

Round 83
Fluffy/Molly      39
Bryan/Cyndi      38

Saturday, January 18, 2020

More Trail Camage

It was just a matter of time before we got some pictures of a fox.

It may be two different foxes, one red, one gray.  The first one has black feet, so it's probably a red fox.  The second one doesn't seem to have the dark feet.

Here's Feral Cat skulking by the duck pen.  He is beefier than he was before I started feeding him.

Yes, that's a Texas flag.  The Handsome One is a Texan.

Here we have Fluffy Feral Cat.  A relative of FC, perhaps?

Another possible relative of FC.  I call him Cream Cat.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Trail Camage

As is our custom, The Handsome One and I celebrate our wedding anniversary with a gift to ourselves.  This year it's a trail camera!

  Nice crow in flight.

Deer and more deer.

It's hard to see, but there are at least two raccoons on the trail to the right.

Wait!  Who's this?  Oh.  Just Clover and me.  Never knew we looked so spooky on those early morning strolls.

It's easy to move the camera for a different view.  Just a matter of reaching in there and unstrapping it...

Mrs. Cardinal

Mr. Cardinal  appears to have found a piece of corn.

What have we here?

It might belong to this creature.

Finally a picture of Feral Cat!

Alas, not a very good one.  He just isn't photogenic.

Looks like a pretty big raccoon.   He appeared a few nights in a row.  Time to move the camera again.

There are more critters out here to capture.  Stay tuned.