Two attempts to post a picture of a GWEN Tower were thwarted....by whom....and why?
Anyway. There is one of these things not far from the Bad Dog Ranch. A scant forty miles away, it is constantly sending messages.
GWEN is perpetually beaming.
And now it is violently present at my front window! A local sparrow has been literally attacking the windows of my home for over a week. He flies to the window, pecks at the glass, all while peering in with a wild light in his eyes.
Here's a picture of a sparrow taken a couple years ago.
The bird should be focused on raising a brood, not bashing his beak against a living room window.
Who's to say those mysterious ever-present frequencies haven't driven him mad?
Seems to me, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to find this whole thing unnerving.