Thursday, August 22, 2019

PETA is Cracked

You wouldn't think PETA could possibly come up with ever goofier remarks yet they do.

Here's one.  Some months ago they bought billboard space in San Jose, CA that reads, "Face it, you can't claim to be a feminist and still eat eggs. Eggs and dairy are a product of the abuse of females."

PETA is asking that we, especially "strong women"  go vegan in solidarity with female animals who are being "sexually abused".

We must not participate in the vicious practice of sexual exploitation.  It's eggsploitation!

Sorry PETA.  I lay eggs because I have eggs to lay.  The duck keeper takes my egg away, I move on.  If you want to be scandalized, you go ahead.  I'm not interested in your "rallying cry to stand up to all kinds of systemic abuse" hogwash.

And another thing.  Stop milking this nonsense.  We aren't vegans.  Why should you be?  You aren't somehow supporting us by changing your diet.  Go bother someone else with your fantastical outrage.

This rant brought to you by Bad Dog Ranch.


  1. I love vegans. I wave at them while I'm eating roast beef. :)

  2. peta pisses me off, greenpeace pisses me off, the sierra club pisses me off.

    Not one of the so called above groups have come to the add of the Sonoran Desert and the damage the illegals are doing to our fragile ecosystem. The hypocrite democrats that run these group do not care about anything but votes and money !
    Oh and I like egg and meat !
    pissed off parsnip
