Welcome once again to Pop Culture Frenzy.
"Comedian" Kathy Griffin has created quite a stir with her, er, art. Unless you've been in a coma for the past 48 hours, you've heard about it. In this round everyone gets one turn to answer.
What did Griffin do?
Bonus question. Why did she do it?
She made a statement of outrage toward
the authoritarian violence that Donald Trump represents.
You know, you whiners never cared when Obama
was treated with more disrespect than any president ever.
How about what Ted Nugent said? You guys don't mind that!
Hostmaster: Molly?
She posed with a fake head that looks
like President Trump covered in blood.
I think she was trying to be funny.
I don't get how it's funny.
Hostmaster: Bryan?
She put on make-up and a blank expression
and held up a beheaded Donald Trump.
The audacity of the stunt is not amusing but sure got attention.
When she apologized, she said she moved the line,
then crossed it.
Hostmaster: Fluffy?
She said she wanted to do something
big, new, political. Evidently inspired by those
zany ISIS freaks, she did a photo shoot featuring
herself holding the bloody severed
head of the President of the United States.
Hostmaster: Kathy Griffin is a third rate hack who specializes in crassness. There is an audience for it. Once, accepting an award somewhere, she told Jesus to "suck it".
As a rule, I have no sympathy for people who do something stupid then apologize only after being called out on it. But I actually pity Kathy Griffin. She is evidently so desperate for attention that no low is too low. Her desire to be edgy, to be significant, has led her to ever uglier infamy. She's still not satisfied. Now she's suing members of the Trump family for opining on her base performance. She claims they are "bullying" her.
Someone needs to remind this pathetic clown that we all have the right to expression, including pointing out that she is a repugnant no-talent fishwife.
So ends this round.
Round 58
Fluffy/Molly 28
Bryan/Cyndi 23