Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trail Camage 14

 Some of you may recall the fisher sightings reported here a few years ago.  You can review the fisher specifics here if you so desire.

Now, what have we here?  A dreaded fisher or just a black squirrel?  We need scale.  How big is that log?   Not sure.  I meant to go back and check, then I forgot, then I remembered but it snowed, then I forgot where the log was...   

The short days of winter:  the bane of early risers.


This is a big reason why the ducks are locked in at night.

Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to every one that he is a fool.  

- Ecclesiastes 10:3


  1. Fishers would definitely go for ducks.

  2. Love love love the Duck footie prints ! That would make a wonderful card.
    Can't believe how big your puppy is getting.

  3. Oh dear! Black squirrel looks like a bear! Plus, there's foxy loxy and danger! Wow! Stay safe!

  4. You will want to take the cat to the vet on a routine basis during the cat pregnancy in order to assure everything is going well. You will want to allow the mother cat and the kittens time to bond after the birth. Cat Pregnancy

    1. Yo Maria. What the bleep does cat pregnancy have to do with this post? I welcome comments but prefer that those comments have something to do with the topic at hand. Kapeesh?
