Saturday, January 18, 2020

More Trail Camage

It was just a matter of time before we got some pictures of a fox.

It may be two different foxes, one red, one gray.  The first one has black feet, so it's probably a red fox.  The second one doesn't seem to have the dark feet.

Here's Feral Cat skulking by the duck pen.  He is beefier than he was before I started feeding him.

Yes, that's a Texas flag.  The Handsome One is a Texan.

Here we have Fluffy Feral Cat.  A relative of FC, perhaps?

Another possible relative of FC.  I call him Cream Cat.


  1. Adore this post !
    Love all the kitties, Does FC leave the ducks alone ? ? ? Or course I can not tell so much difference between FC and FFC. love Cream Cat ! I assume they all have somewhere to sleep on cold, rainy or snowing nights?
    Your beautiful land is wonderful the different trees colors and just everything
    I need a camera !

    1. Yes, they leave the ducks alone.

      It took me a while to be able to tell FC and FFC apart! I put out some extra shelters in areas they frequent. So far they don't seem to use them. Apparently, they have other arrangements.

      If you get a camera you won't be sorry! It's so fun!
