Friday, May 15, 2015

Let's take this Outside

Take what outside, you ask?  The ducks!

They've been in the basement growing under a brooder light.  You don't realize how smelly ducks can be till you've shared your home with them for a few weeks.  Now they've feathered up and are officially the outdoor birds they were hatched to be.

The ducks show no sign of missing the hard basement floor.  There is lush grass outside.

And the water dishes are bigger.


  1. OK, I know nothing about ducks but what blog friends write.
    But, one of my children's teachers had ducks. and as much as she loved them she said they were poop machines. Her plants never looked better but she was constantly hosing off her patio.
    Is the first photo the duck that had the great top fluff in your baby ducks photos ? So very cute.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Yes, top fluff duck can be seen in the baby pics. It'll be fun to see how that top fluff looks when he's full grown.

  2. Replies
    1. They make a sweet squeaking sound too, though lately some of them have started quacking.

  3. Love them! My mom got me a baby duckling when I was 6 (An Easter gift) and it got sick and died. I cried so hard! These are just darling. :)

  4. I've lived with ducks. They can definitely stink...but they're so cute!
